Building the Best Vacuums of Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
These are the best vacuums available in Houston and surrounding areas from our Spring, TX location.
The average vacuum cleaner can't pick up fine dirt or airborne contaminants, but Aerus vacuums can. That's why they're the best vacuums on the market. The Aerus team of Houston and surrounding areas from our Spring, TX locations team can help you choose an affordable vacuum with the features you need.
Setting the gold standard in floor care
Aerus has a strong tradition of providing quality service to our customers. We have a loyal base of repeat customers not only because we have the best products, but also because we offer exemplary service.
Lux Line of Upright Vacuums
The Lux line of upright vacuums by Aerus inherited the same high quality, durable characteristics of our canister predecessors. The Lux upright vacuum line was designed for ease of use, best-in-class performance and long-lasting operation. Available in both residential and commercial styles, the Lux line of upright vacuums makes cleaning easy.